Neural Dynamics and Computation

Gonzalo Cogno Lab

Our group seeks to understand the mechanisms and dynamics underlying network computation

Brain function emerges from the dynamic coordination of interconnected neurons. It is not clear, however, what the interplay between different types of neurons is, and how, together, they underlie cognition and behaviour. Addressing these questions requires a synergistic approach, where computational and experimental neuroscience work hand-in-hand. Our group adopts this synergic approach and seeks to understand the mechanisms and dynamics underlying network computation. We are part of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Center for Algorithms in the Cortex.

Ultraslow periodic sequences

Most of our research questions are directed towards understanding how, and in which conditions, neuronal activity organizes intro ultraslow periodic sequences.

See our recent paper: Gonzalo Cogno et al., 2023.

Linking connectivity and dynamics

We are also interested in understanding how connectivity shapes neuronal dynamics, and how neural networks compute. Here are some questions we are interested in:

– How are different functional cell types coupled within and across circuits, and how are they coordinated at the network level?

– What are the mechanisms by which network dynamics, for example sequences of neural activity, reshape, or remain the same, across different behavioral conditions?

– How do neural networks process information and represent features of the external world in the form of population codes?


We build models that explain features of experimental data and generate new hypotheses that are used to guide new experiments.

1. Computational models. We build spiking and firing rate neural network models that undergo learning processes, e.g. through plasticity rules or via supervised methods.

2. Analysis of neural data. We use approaches from mathematics, statistical physics, information theory, dynamical systems theory and machine learning.